The Nardinclant Estate, where the Groesbeek-Assenbroek family lived.
Groesbeek-Assenbroek Foundation .
Mrs. Anna Margaretha Frederika Assenbroek (1872 – 1960) was the wife of Mr. Klaas Groesbeek. She took the initiative to incorporate a foundation in the memory of her husband. The Groesbeek-Assenbroek Foundation was incorporated on 14 December 1949.
Klaas Groesbeek (1858 – 1936) was one of the most prominent figures in the Dutch bookshops and publishing world. In 1881, he took over the bookshop Scheltema Holkema, established in the heart of Amsterdam. He was in charge there for more than 50 years and the company flourished.
In addition to selling books, Klaas Groesbeek also started to trade in prints and paintings and in 1892, he associated himself with the renowned art dealership Van Wisselingh. In addition to his work for the company, Mr. Groesbeek held numerous administrative positions and therefore had a major influence on social and political events in Amsterdam.
Objective of the Foundation
We help where students fall short .
According to the articles of association of the Foundation, the objective of the Foundation is to “provide financial support to persons, in order to enable them to study at government-recognized scientific education institutions, located within the State in Europe”.
Our values .
Since its incorporation, the Groesbeek-Assenbroek Foundation has been able to offer support to several thousands of students with a lack of financial resources. This enabled them to complete their studies and build a career.